Club Citroen South Australia

Cit-In 2023 Registrations are open

Cit-In 2023 is the annual gathering of Citroen Clubs across Australia. It usually attracts a big collection of cars and their owners from across the Continent. There is already strong interest, and, as an added bonus, it will also commerate the 75th Anniversary of the 2CV !

Cit-In is taking place in Murray Bridge, South Australia from 17th to the 20th March 2023. A summary of the event can be downloaded here. Registration forms can be downloaded here in pdf format or Word format.

Post CITIN Run is being developed - there are up to 80 people interested so far !

For more information, contact Greg Moorhouse on 0499 600 841

Club Citroen South Australia
12 Rutland Ave Brighton SA 5048
Phone 0499450829
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