Club Citroen South Australia

Photo gallery: Xmas 2021

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Andre Citroen's Birthday Bash 2021
Andre Citroen's birthday in early Feb is usually the opening event of the CCSA Social Calendar. 2021 was no exception, and perhaps a little more special because it afforded a welcome antidote to the more restrictive environment due to COVID. There was a record turnout at Ossie Petrucco's home in Kurralta Park, and a very pleasant afternoon ensued !!
Modified Mon, 1 March 2021

100 years of Citroen - Belair Picnic 2019
In September 1923, the local Citroen agent organised a picnic for owners of Citroen cars at the Main Oval in Belair National Park. The event marked a milestone in the early motoring history of the State. The Citroen Club organised a commemorative event in 2019, the 100th Anniversary of Citroen.
Modified Wed, 1 July 2020

Club Citroen South Australia
12 Rutland Ave Brighton SA 5048
Phone 0499450829
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